Doctor Tim Lloyd, DC FIMA CSCS

Illness - Wellness

  1. Pain Care…

Most people seek care once they get symptoms.  The “if it isn’t broke don’t fix it” philosophy.  The primary symptom that people have is pain.  When a patient presents at this stage we do the following: at this initial stage of intensive care, we have several obligations:

·        Figure out what is actually causing the pain

·        Address the cause(s) of pain

·        Eliminate lifestyle factors that are likely contributing to your pain

·        Instruct patient on home care that will speed their rate of recovery

  2. Wellness Care

As you can see from the diagram above that the difference between health and disease is based on the direction you’re moving.  The key concept here is moving.  I believe that the key to recovery and maintaining health is movement.  The benefit of continued chiropractic care is that it contributes to optimal movement. 

It doesn’t make any sense to me to talk about health without talking about movement. If you don’t believe that then go to a nursing home and see who is able to move.  Those that can move are much better off than those that can’t.  The great Greek Philosopher/Physician Hippocrates stated, “Walking is man’s best medicine”.  The other quote that I live by is “movement is life”. 

In fact, new research shows that those continuing with chiropractic care have a higher level of function than those that stop care.


It's All About Choices


We understand that your goals may not be our goals when it comes to optimizing health.  You may want relief care to get out of pain and that’s it.  We work with you to get the results you are looking for as fast as possible.  To achieve rapid results we provide you with tips of ways to do things a little different throughout your day so that you’re not unwittingly making your problems worse.  After all if there is something simple that you can do to help yourself then you might as well do it. 

If you would like to explore your options further contact us at 419-874-9355 today.  Or if you prefer send us an email and we can set you up an appointment as soon as possible. 


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Chiropractic goals and treatment

Chiropractic addresses the negative effects of stress. . All patients are recommended biannual cleanings and examinations. Not only do they help you quash dental problems before they arise, they leave your gums healthier, and your teeth cleaner and whiter. A professional cleaning removes hard plaque that cannot be removed by brushing and flossing alone. It also involves a fluoride treatment and polish to help protect and soothe your teeth and gums. Even if you haven’t had a cleaning in over two years, it’s never too late to treat your teeth.

What are some preventative measures I can take?

  • Try walking as much as you can find time for

  • Drink more water. Your discs are thirsty!

  • Vary your exercise so your body doesn’t repeat the same motions over and over

  • Lift weights

  • Do exercises that challenge your ability to balance

Quick Summary

Chiropractic helps address the negative effects stress has on your body.

The nerves in your body controll every cell. They need to work on an optimal level to be effective at dealing with all of the changes that occur in your world.

When your body gets overloaded with stress it throws a circuit like when you house electrical system gets over loaded it shuts of the power to the things controlled by the switch.

Chiropractic restores the power to your body by resetting the switches that make up your spine.

The pain is reduced when the motion is restored. When you walk as directed you help yourself by keeping things moving.